Education and Language

Live and learn with Exil


You desire support for job search and would like to get to know the digital work fields? EQUAL offers you a mix of job specific language and and data processing lessons, jobcoaching and application tuition. Our vision is your job entry!

German Courses

Going through the asylum procedure, or have a leave to remain and are just setting out to learn German? Or would you like to enhance your abilities? Then our language courses are right for you. We also aid with preparing for your exam!

Women Meet

Language enables trust: Together with other women you practise the German language at our Learning German Meet. Short games, texts und some exercises help to talk, ask questions and report.


It doesn’t have to be boring to learn vocabulary: At our language learning meet “commYOUnication” in an easy ambience you exercise the language which you employ everyday in Germany. Reading papers, cooking, playing together – no boundaries for creativity at this meet.

Learn Kurdish

You are Kurd and would like to enhance your writing abilities? Or Kurdish is not your first language, but you’d like to become acquainted? All possible with our Kurdish course – you are very welcome!

Computer Regulars

You have queries about how your mobile works, or you’d like to know more about using computers? Come on over to our Computer Regulars at Digital-Kompass in Lüstringen!

Bild QUADIZ-Kursraum


The project „EQUAL – E-Learning und Qualifizierung für den Arbeitsmarkt“ offers ways to prepare for working in Germany.

The project gets you acquainted with the job market and job realities Arbeitsmarkt und das Arbeitsleben in Germany, also schooling you in important digital skills. We present several regional work fields and employers.

The project consists of two cycles. Each run takes 7.5 months, incl. follow-up. In the first 2.5 months you participate in three theory modules with data processing lessons; (Module 1: Introduction to digital co-working and the German job market, Module 2: job planning and scheduling – qualification, perspectives, chances, Module 3:  selfempowerment und application training). The data processing lessons comprise introducing basic skillsets for Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, online basics).

A three month long internship in an Osnabrück business follows. The object is to begin an apprenticeship or start at a job after end of the project. It’s acknowledged by Jobcenter und MaßArbeit , so you continue drawing benefits. Refugees and migrants, living in Stadt or Landkreis Osnabrück, can participate. A German B1 level is necessary for taking part.



Learn German

People in the asylum procedure and those with a leave to remain don’t get support for  taking part in German courses, however long they may be here in Germany. Therefore we offer German for beginners and advanced learners, to provide basics for everyday communication.

You are interested?
On offer are language courses, tandem arrangements as well as exam preparation and playful learning language meets for adults and kids.

If you have questions or need information which courses currently are on offer: our admin for learning German is glad to help.

Important: the language courses do not result in official certificates.

You like teaching German?
We’re always happy about people who aid us in teaching German. If interested, please contact our admin for German language courses, and we can enter into an exchange on an honorary basis.

Tuesday, 14.30 – 15.30

Tel.: 0541 380699-18


Supported by

Logo KITABU-Stiftung

Women Meet

Language enables trust: Together with other women you practise the German language at our Learning German Meet. Short games, texts und some exercises help to talk, ask questions and report.

Get to know other women while having a coffee. The meetings are open for all interested women.

Should you want to take part or  volunteer with organizing please contact us per mail.


 In Bergkirche parish centre commYOUnication group offers a meeting place for people with or without a flight or migration experience. In an easy-going atmosphere, everyday speech is practised and solutions found to everyday challenges.

The group centres learning from one another, or simply having a good time and a laugh. Sometimes, we cook collectively or play boardgames.

Should you want to take part or  volunteer with organizing please contact us per mail.

Learn Kurdish

Mustafa Hannan, a dedicated teacher for Kurdish aus Syrien, offers a Kurdish course since November 2019.

All are very welcome:  Kurds, wanting to improve their writing, or Germans interested in the language. The course provides for learning basics of Kurdish reading, writing and speaking.

Everyone interested in Kurdish are very welcome to make contact.

Computer Regulars

You have questions concerning usage of a computer, a smartphone or about surfing the internet? Our Computer Regulars’ Table will serve you quite nicely.

Volunteer attendants help with issues roundabout computers, smartphones & co. No matter of what age or heritage you are, you’re very welcome!

You can bring your own smartphone or tablet. Computers are provided. If you want to register or serve as a volunteer yourself please contact us at

This offer is a joint venture by Katholische Erwachsenenbildung Osnabrück in cooperation with Digital Kompass and the Exil project „Mach’s doch selbst!“.
